Monday, 15 April 2013

School Bans Parents for Dropping off Kids in PJs and Terry Bathrobes

Terry bathrobes are so comfortable and cuddly that it can be tempting to want to wear them all day. However, parents in several schools have been banned from wearing pyjamas and Terry Bathrobes on the morning school run to drop off their kids.

At St. Matthew’s Primary in Belfast, Ireland a notice was sent home to parents asking them to follow the school’s dress code and avoid dropping their children off in the morning while wearing terry bathrobes, pajamas and slippers. Other schools in the UK and the USA have been reported to follow this trend, requesting that parents wear proper attire or their children will need to find an alternate way home. According to a survey by Vauxhall cars, five percent of parents have admitted to driving their children to school while clad in their nightwear. 

The issue has sparked quite a lot of debate online. On the one hand, many parents are claiming that it doesn’t really matter what they wear as long as they drop their kids off on time. They don’t even get out of the car most of the time, so why can’t they do the morning drop-off while wearing terry bathrobes?

On the other hand, others have argued in online discussions on the topic that parents should show a basic respect for the school by having the decency to get dressed. It only takes two minutes in the morning to put on some jeans and a t-shirt and showing up in pajamas can be embarrassing to children. Many have stated that wearing terry bathrobes outside of the house is incredibly tacky and should never be done. 

What do you think? Have you ever dropped off your children while wearing pajamas and Terry Bathrobes? What does your child’s school think about it? Let us know in the comments.

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